Friday 18 February 2011

Photoshoot 1

So I went to the studio today and decided that I would first face paint myself like a clown, just to say to other people I know how it feels to be made up like a clown so here is some images from this afternoon.
Over all I am happy with the images but at the same time I felt really uncomfortable being in front of the camera and instead of being scary I had burst out with laughter, so I am going to put some posters up to see if any of the performing arts student might be able to take on the scary clown character and make the clown stand out more :D

Wednesday 16 February 2011

make up!

well today the Make up has arrived! woop so going  to have a play with these tonight :) I went for the basic colours and if needs be I will try and get some more colours :D (blue,red,white,pink,black)


So whilst I was doing my presentation last week I could tell that even though I had an idea I didn't really know what I was going to do so when I was talking Steve gave me the best idea of not just using different phobia's but concentrating on one theme so I decided the one theme that interested me, that was the clown phobia how something that is meant to be innocent and childish could invoke a sense of fear. To make that person feel like that the only way is to stop and look away. So I am going to looking at it in different ways the first one being portraiture and the other on location like evoking a childlike Horror story. It is also easy because I can do the make up my self as I have gone and ordered some paints and can do all of the face paint designs myself which will hopefully bring some crazy idea out of it.

Friday 4 February 2011

Mert Alas and Marcus Piggott

I found this image by Mert and Marcus but and found it to be so child like that even though it is a fashion piece I liked the idea of maybe changing it to making the bear look evil, but in this image it is romantic I want the same feeling but also a type of fear as well, its really hard to explain as the idea is in my head but I'm not able to explain properly. I would find changing the image to a bear looking evil as for children they are a comforter a safety object for them this is why I quite like this idea even if it isn't a phobia I still think its some sort of factor towards it.