Tuesday 5 April 2011


I have decided that I am going to stick to the idea of using domestic scene so I wont be using any of the location I found the other week but I will be doing the idea's I have already put up I want the whole domestic theme going through them once again I only have 4 ideas and I'm really heart set on having 5, 4 images just doesn't seem right. I really want to exhibit them as well so I really want to get it right I don't want to make it look simple I really want them to stand out. I am really lucky to have a friend who has a massive second living room and she and myself will put a children's bedroom in this location. once I have that one sorted and get the images I will be trying to keep the bedroom as much as possible but getting a massive amount of stuffed toys around the clown so you have to look for them so I am not to sure how much of the bedroom I would be able to keep. then also in the same bedroom I really want to try and get the whole closet and mirror reflection done but where to find a child willing to let you take a photograph of them being scared but hopefully by the end of next week that should be fine I am just hoping to get the lighting right and not get flashback in the mirror I defiantly think that I will have to get the lighting down to a T so I am thinking I will set everything up the night before and see how I go and get all the lighting set up the way it is going to work. With the 4th image im gona have to hope and pray that the is really nice sun! this image shouldn't be to hard as long as I have the sun just a washing line with white bedding with the clown behind it with a few children's toys and bikes and then if I can find a child to pose for me I will have the child going towards the clothes line to see what is behind the sheet. for the final idea I think im going to ask a few people where would they hate to find a clown in the domestic environment so I can get an idea from that.    

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