Friday 28 January 2011

I don't know why I didn't add this film in ages ago what an amazing film if you love the saw films and musicals this is one of those films and it has an all star cast including my favourite Anthony Head best know for playing his role in Buffy the vampire slayer as Giles! so everything about this film in my eyes is amazing just one little glitch they have is the fact they allowed Paris Hilton in this film that was an epic Fail having her in it in my eyes but for that little glitch on an amazing film who am I complaining about it. so this film is based in the near future and man does it have a lot of gore well its made from the same guys who made Saw but that the best thing about it, I am so going to base one of my shoots on the Repo man, so the Repo man is hired to reposes peoples organs if they are not paying its gory but there is such a big story behind it its hard to explain. this film isn't well known as it never went to the cinema even though I waited for it to come to the cinema the funding was cut so it was only shown in some places in the United States. Give it a watch it is amazing all the constructed scenes the lighting costume designs and the AMAZING  story! this film was originally a on set play. here is a link to a trailer and also one of my favourite scenes. I wish I could put the whole film up but its not possible :P

video to legal assassin couldn't get a video up but here is the link this one is amazing this song!

video : mark it up!

night surgeon

Zydrate Anatomy

thankless job

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