Friday 28 January 2011


right the film last night was pathology I thought it was going to be a lot more twisted at first because I assumed that it was a horror turns out it was more of a thriller based film based on a morgue and trying to find out the way that people who died but there is a twist as the attending Doctors where actually killing there victims, one by one each doctor would kill someone and the others would guess what they had done to the victims, its is quite mind twisting toward the end, when it ended it really didn't bother me so sleeping time well I must say it was a while before I actually fell to asleep but during the sleep I was stressing so the film must of had some sort of effect on me as there was a lot of gory scene but I think I may start watching more of the classics that I know are so much better, I wouldn't say that this is a bad film just not the style I want to be getting into. so yeah the film did effect me during the night as I was tossing and turning and didn't really get into a deep sleep until 6am this morning, I really have not a clue why I stressed out as I didn't really find the film that scary.
here is the trailer

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