Wednesday 11 May 2011

carrying on with the bedroom

I got up at the crack of dawn to go out and get some wall paper to get the room looking different which I am glad that I did it was so hot in the room that the wall paper kept falling down so in the end I had to use industrial tape to keep it up, then came the fun part of bringing in the toys my next door neighbour is a foster parent and had loads of toys to give me that she said that she didn't even need them back! but I had to give them back because I had no use for them when picking the toys up I got asked a million and 1 questions about why I was taking there toys the only way my neighbour could explain it to the was I was doing my home work and needed there toys it was heart breaking because one of the girls burst into tears thinking the evil woman taking her toys would never bring them back. As soon as we got the mountain of toys into the room I started to get the bedroom together and it was getting better and better as I went along I even had a doll house in this mountain of toys and those wired games that have the little shapes that you move side to side. I built boxes to put near the window to hide further cracks in the wall and an old chair in the conner of the room. the room was finally built!

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