Wednesday 11 May 2011

the final 6 images

I have finally figure out which images I am going to use some of them are of the same scene but I liked them so much I couldn't not get them printed here are the six final images:

this is the first one the reason why I have added this one in is because I love how sinister this image is and the shadow in the sheet I feel like quality of the print isn't that good as I could tell I was focusing on the shadow and not on everything else that is the one thing I would change about the image for it all to be in focused not just on the bedding.

the second image I just love the way that the model is sat in this one and the print has turned out brilliantly.

the 3rd image is of the clown getting closer to the bed where she wants to be is in the bed that is the goal I really like the way it is shadowed around the clowns head and the girl looks terrified. 

Then in the 4th image the clown is trying to bribe the little girl with balloons whilst taking this photo it was so hard not to laugh as my sister would say the most funniest of things to make the model in the bed feel more comfortable. The reason I like this one so much is the shadows of the balloons on the wall the one thing I would change about all of the bed room scenes is to add a picture on the wall to break it up.

the 5th image I love the look of the little girl she looks so terrified but at the same time on the night you would never have thought it as she went from being happy to acting with a click the look on the clown as well is great the eyebrows just bring some comedy to it.

then the 6th image I know it is similar to the 5th image but I fell for this picture because the way the clown looks so happy that she had gotten into the bed she got to the goal of being the child in the bed and then the little girl in the background all scrunched up not to sure what to do. 
 This shoot has shown me that I can cope with big projects and that I should never turn down a challenge just give a really good go at it if it doesn't turn out right then there is a learning curb. 

I am really impressed by myself as I would never have thought I could bring something like this that was in my mind to life I feel better for trying and getting it right even though I would change a couple of things but I still happy with the final outcome.

So many images!

I got some amazing images last night so many that I have a massive pile of I love this one folder so I couldn't decided between them all so I went up to my friends to do the editing to get a second opinion we then finally got it down to 15 images and here they are:

This one is one of my favourites i tried editing the pony-tale out but it didn't work so i am a bit gutted.

I really like the way they have turned out and I would love to work like this again.

the shoot

the time has come to the shoot so I have gone over to the room to set up the lighting and its hasn't not gone well at all! this is all I needed I tried everything with this location lighting kit and just could not get the lighting the way I wanted them to be! so I gave a call to a friend who is also a photographer and he bought all of his stuff down to help out he came in and saw that the problem was I didn't need the location kit but just a off camera flash as soon as I had taken a shot I couldn't believe that he got the lighting to exactly the way I wanted with one flash! we did change the narrative of the clown just a little bit instead of having the clown in the middle of toys we changed it to the clown was trying to get the child's bed the goal was to be in the comfortable bed which I found really amusing as I used balloons in one of the scenes which made it look like the clown was bribing the child to get out of the bed. Over all I think the shoot went well really happy with the way it turned out with all the hiccups at the start of the night and day. 

carrying on with the bedroom

I got up at the crack of dawn to go out and get some wall paper to get the room looking different which I am glad that I did it was so hot in the room that the wall paper kept falling down so in the end I had to use industrial tape to keep it up, then came the fun part of bringing in the toys my next door neighbour is a foster parent and had loads of toys to give me that she said that she didn't even need them back! but I had to give them back because I had no use for them when picking the toys up I got asked a million and 1 questions about why I was taking there toys the only way my neighbour could explain it to the was I was doing my home work and needed there toys it was heart breaking because one of the girls burst into tears thinking the evil woman taking her toys would never bring them back. As soon as we got the mountain of toys into the room I started to get the bedroom together and it was getting better and better as I went along I even had a doll house in this mountain of toys and those wired games that have the little shapes that you move side to side. I built boxes to put near the window to hide further cracks in the wall and an old chair in the conner of the room. the room was finally built!

getting the room ready

Today I went over to look at the room I would be using and since I hadn't been in the house for a few year I noticed the walls where horrible and full of cracks, I would have to sort that in the morning as the shops where closed now, so instead we moved everything out bought in the bed and bedside cabinet for tonight that is all I am able to do until tomorrow. 


I bought a wig online with the rest of the costume and it has turned up and it was horrible I wish had not bothered ordering it online and just buying it from a shop it was a big afro red wig so I went out and bought another wig this time it was bald on top and hair round the side of the head which I thought was really funny but at the same time better than the last wig. I would have to paint in the bald cap in white as it was a skin colour.

the clown makeup

For the clown I have decided to give it a classic look like Penny-wise in Steven Kings It as this was the most influence film that made me go for the idea of using clowns as they did terrify me as soon as I watched this film. so I went for the big white face red lips and big eye brows the one thing I want to add is pink rosy cheeks I have not a clue why but it seems to bring the clown to life having rosy cheeks. 


so I'm preparing  for the shoot and there is a lot more work into doing a constructed scene than I thought, you have to think of everything onto just the main things but everything ahhh more work but I think when I get everything it will be alright.

Tuesday 5 April 2011


I have decided that I am going to stick to the idea of using domestic scene so I wont be using any of the location I found the other week but I will be doing the idea's I have already put up I want the whole domestic theme going through them once again I only have 4 ideas and I'm really heart set on having 5, 4 images just doesn't seem right. I really want to exhibit them as well so I really want to get it right I don't want to make it look simple I really want them to stand out. I am really lucky to have a friend who has a massive second living room and she and myself will put a children's bedroom in this location. once I have that one sorted and get the images I will be trying to keep the bedroom as much as possible but getting a massive amount of stuffed toys around the clown so you have to look for them so I am not to sure how much of the bedroom I would be able to keep. then also in the same bedroom I really want to try and get the whole closet and mirror reflection done but where to find a child willing to let you take a photograph of them being scared but hopefully by the end of next week that should be fine I am just hoping to get the lighting right and not get flashback in the mirror I defiantly think that I will have to get the lighting down to a T so I am thinking I will set everything up the night before and see how I go and get all the lighting set up the way it is going to work. With the 4th image im gona have to hope and pray that the is really nice sun! this image shouldn't be to hard as long as I have the sun just a washing line with white bedding with the clown behind it with a few children's toys and bikes and then if I can find a child to pose for me I will have the child going towards the clothes line to see what is behind the sheet. for the final idea I think im going to ask a few people where would they hate to find a clown in the domestic environment so I can get an idea from that.    

Wednesday 30 March 2011

doctor who 2011 trailer

yes I know I'm super Geek whilst seeing the new trailer of doctor who!, that has been realised today I noticed there is a clown sat at the edge of the bed! then noticed it was actually the doctor its 39 seconds in to the trailer please look!

the costume

Finally found the costume I'm going to be getting for this shoot it has taken a long time to find the one I'm happy with.

my final ideas

I have been thinking about my idea of how what I am doing 

image 1: childs bedroom with the over sized clown in a rocking chair (hopefully) I have the location sorted and confirmed that I don't need to worry about location lighting kit as one of my friends have some that I can borrow.

Image 2: one of the clown right in the middle of a pile of teddys that makes you take time to find out what you are looking for.

Image 3: A clown coming out of the wardrobe with a mirror hanging on the door where we see a reflection of  a scared child 

Image 4: clown out side behind a white bedding hanging on the clothes line where you can see the top of his hat or hair and balloons and feet popping out, with a child going toward the clown to see whats happening.

I am currently still thinking about the final image I am still debating and not coming out with any good idea's!  

clown shoot 2

well this shoot was a disaster I had the studio book for over night and when I got there was a 3rd year still doing a shoot and they asked to use it for an extra 30mins and when I finally got in the room was a mess and the background was broken :/ so once I got the studio clean I set up the light got everything to where it needed to be so I started on the make up putting on clown makeup is not easy as it looks! once the make up was done we got up I put the tigger on my camera and it totally failed I moved the lighting around changed the battery's on the device but nothing worked! so after doing all that work I had to use the flash on my camera but I don't really like the way the images have turned out but I have asked the girls would they be willing to do the shoot again and they are happy with doing another shoot here are some of the images

krusty the clown

Krusty the clown everybody knows and loves this misunderstood loud mouth clown that kids of Springfield love. 

Stephen king's IT

thinking about the reason why I chose to do clowns I think it is all down to this film the reason being I saw this film as a child with my younger sister and of course scared the hell out if us, I mean come on killer clown! re-watching the film as a adult its still scary but not as scary as I remember it :/ the clown penny wise is the main character played by Tim Curry the colours in the film change from bright to dark quite a few times in duration of the film which I think creates more suspense.


the Joker

I would say that the joker from batman must be one of the most famous characters that has been bought out of a comic strip. in 2008 Heath Ledger played the Joker  which is one of the most famous concept of the Joker, this role was also played by another legend Jack Nicholson.


Captain Spaulding from Robzombie's house of 1000 corpses and devils rejects

Captain Spaulding is the clown character from the twisted mind of one Rob Zombie. Rob is a amazing singer and film director but whilst watching this it was a total mind blowing craziness at times I didn't know where to look half of the time but that what I love about a proper horror film but lets get back to Captain Spaulding he is painted up as a clown but at the same time wearing a hat that uncle sam wears so its a strange combination but it works.

looking at clowns that are fictional Binky the Clown from Garfield and friends

so Garfield was one of my all time favourite cartoon as a kid I still love him now so I remembered there was a clown on this show and the fact is he is really annoying! 

Mump and Smoot

Mump and Smoot are two horror base clowns they turn convention of clowns up side  down in a dark humorous macabre way.


Bozo the clown

I haven't actually heard of this clown but I have just found him looking online he was a clown on American TV during the 1960s he has the classic look of a clown.

Cirque du Soleil

Cirque du Soleil is one of the most famous circus's known to all, this one more involves acrobats doing the most amazing tricks not only is the whole circus theme I like its the amazing costumes and make up not the original clown its more contemporary.


looking at famous clowns Buffo!

so I am looking into clowns and found Buffo apparently he is the worlds strongest clown, he is an ex baseball player who now entertains kids, as not the everyday look of a clown I wonder if kids like him as he is huge! if I was going to a party as a kid with a clown that has all of his mules out would make me more scared. The concepts of clowns are changing but I find that when some one is to say the world clown we all think of a funny man dressed in bight colours and a white panted face and big red lips.

ahhhhhhh clown films

I know see why people find clowns so freaky why!? why!? do they have to put them in films? I have just been watching films that involves clowns so amusement is one of the films I have seen, it isn't the most interesting of film but there is a few scenes that have seen in the film that give the suspense look but also one that I am thinking of using is the clown in a rocking chair not in the spear bedroom but the kids bedroom here is an image of that clown in the film.

I really like the lighting in this image gives it a spooky feeling I find the lighting in this film really interesting.

   I like the way that they have made all of the film a grungy look.